Year 1 2024 - 2025

Mrs Gordon

 Welcome to Year 1!

In Year 1, our aim is to ensure that all the children experience a smooth transition from the Foundation Stage to Key Stage One and that the Year 1 curriculum  builds upon and extends the experiences that the children had in Reception.

The teaching staff this year will be Mrs Gordon and Mrs McClellan. 

P.E.  is on Tuesday and Fridays.  It is vital that your child have their P.E. kit in school at all times. Therefore, P.E. kits should be brought into school on Monday mornings and they will be sent home every Friday.

Reading - Your child will be read with on a regular basis in school so can you please ensure they have their book bags in school daily and that their book and reading record are in it.  

Homework - Spellingframe and Numbots homework are set weekly.  We ask that you read with your child at least 3 times a week and record it in their record book.

Spellings - Spellings will be given out each week on a Monday to be tested the following Monday.  It would be helpful if you could practice your child's spellings daily.

This term our topic is Around the World - The children will be learning to locate the 7 continents on a world map and will learn about the differences between hot and cold countries.

For a more detailed overview of our curriculum, please head over the our Curriculum Subject Pages.




Thank you for your continued support

Mrs Gordon


Year 1: News items

Year 1: Calendar items

School Closes at 2pm, by Mrs Rimmer

Easter Holiday, by Mrs Rimmer