Year 5 2024 - 2025

Miss Harrison

Year 5 2024-2025


Teacher: Miss Harrison

PPA Teacher: Mr Quirk

Teaching Assitants: Mrs. Lowe, Mrs Reynolds, Mrs Whitby, Mrs Hesketh, Mrs McKenna and Mrs. Tabarn


Spring 1

All relevent information relating to timetabling, English, Maths and Topic Curriculum is attached in order for your child to organise thier learning.

This half-term's topic is 'Ancient Baghdad'. 

In order to support your child with their homework, the following links will direct them to the websites used for weekly tasks. Homework will be set on a Monday and each child will have a week to complete them. Spellings will be tested on a Monday and will be based on the previous week's learning. Each child will have a reading book. They will need to complete their pre reading task each week and should ensure this book is taken home and returned to school every day. Children need to record their reading in their journal. A maths worksheet may be attached below. The questions will need to be answered in their blue book. 

PE will be taught on a Monday and Tuesday. School PE kit (plus winter jumpers and black tracksuit bottoms) to be in school all week.

This week's homework:

Reading- The necessary chapters for your guided read novel. 

English- SpellingFrame

Maths- Maths arithmetic questions (attached below)

Useful links for homework 

For a more detailed overview of our curriculum, please head over the our Curriculum Subject Pages.

Resources to support learning:


Mental Maths: 

Spelling and Grammar: 


If you have any concerns, please email the office driectly at

Thanks kindly,

The Year 5 Team





Year 5: News items

Year 5: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display

Year 5: Calendar items

Year 5 Tower Wood Trip, by Mrs Rimmer

School Closes at 2pm, by Mrs Rimmer