At Aughton St Michael's CE we believe that everyone was created equal and therefore are a fully inclusive school. We believe is celebrating everybody's strengths and supporting everyone to improve. We therefore strive to include all children in whole class learning as much as possible. If this isn't possible, we provide focused interventions and support to provide what the child needs. We have a graduated response to SEN needs and work with families to best support them and their children. 

We have experience of working with and meeting the needs of children with Speech, Language and Communication Difficulties, Emotional and
Behavioural Difficulties, Specific Learning Difficulties (for example Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Dyslexia, Dyscalculia or Dyspraxia) and Autistic Spectrum Disorder. We also have experience of catering for children with food allergies, specific medical needs (e.g. diabetes) and school is also accessible to wheelchair users.

For any questions involving SEN or medical needs, please contact the school office either by phone (01695 423295) or email ( or the SENDCo by email (