Year 3 2024 - 2025
Mrs Preece
Welcome to Year 3.
Class teacher: Mrs Preece
Morning TA: Mrs Povey
PPA Cover: Mr Quirk
Afternoon TAs: Mrs Judge and Miss McClellan
In Year 3 we are do our best, we are resilient learners, we learn from our mistakes, we encourage each other and we have fun.
Please follow the links below for further information about our Year 3 curriculum.
In brief, this term we are looking at:
- Narrative (Stoneage Boy) and Non-chronological reports in English whilst also practising our grammar and spelling skills. Spellings are given on a Monday and tested the following Monday/Tuesday - spelling lists are updated weekly on Spelling Frame. Reading books will also be sent home - please record at least three reads with your child each week and record it in their reading record. When the children use a novel as part of guided reading in school, they may also bring home the novel to read ahead.
- Addition, Sutraction, Division, Multiplication, Fractions and Measure in Maths. The children should have good recall of their x2, x5, x10 times tables. In Year 3 we are also practising our x3, x4 and x8 tables. The children also need to know the inverse calcuations too (e.g. 8 times 2 = 16 16 divided by 2 = 8). We talk about fact families to help with their understanding of how the numbers are related to each other e.g. 5, 3 and 15 are a fact family and the children should be able to write 4 different calaculations to demonstrate how they are related (5 x3 = 15, 3 x 5 = 15, 15 divided by 3 = 5 and 15 divided by 5 = 3. Timestables are set on a Monday on TT Rockstars to be completed by the following Monday.
We willl continue with our topic is Stone Age to the Iron Age. As well as exploring our distant origins and change, the topic includes aspects of Design Technology and Art when we learn about and make Cave Art and Beaker Bell pottery.
PE is on Monday (Autumn 1) or Tuesday (Autumn 2) and Wednesday afternoons.
Finally, as Juniors I'm sure the children are ready to increase their independence and take on more responsibility. Their job is to remember: a water bottle, PE Kit, reading books and records (in book bags at all times) along with spelling and timestable books.
Please contact us if you need to discuss anything - either at the end of the day if i'm available, or via the office.
Mrs Preece
Spellings - set on Monday. Children to complete online practise and test by the following Monday -
TT Rockstars 20 minutes practise (set on Monday and progress checked in school on the following Monday)
Reading three times per week recorded in reading records
Please let me know if your child had any problems accessing or completing the homework.
For a more detailed overview of our curriculum, please head over to Curriculum Subject Pages.
Useful websites:
English Year 3 Key Skills
subordinating conjunctions -
inverted commas -
prepositions -
Year 3: Calendar items
Year 3 Celebration Worship, by Mrs Rimmer
School Closes at 2pm, by Mrs Rimmer
Easter Holiday, by Mrs Rimmer