Curriculum Intentions: Whole Curriculum
Our curriculum is bespoke, designed to fit the needs of all the children in our school community and builds on the children’s prior learning. We aim to increase resilience, cultivate inquisitiveness and develop independence whilst celebrating the strength of the individuals and providing practical, real-life experiences
Our curriculum embraces the location in which it is situated, recognising local history, heritage and geographical link coupled with the aspirations we have for all our children. As a church school, Christian values underpin all our learning and our expectations of how the chidlren conduct themselves both in and outside of school.
As a school we believe in the theory of Ethic of Excellence - expecting that every child has the opportunity to maximise their own abilities as unique individuals. We celebrate similarities and difference and our curriculum is designed to ensure that gaps in knowledge and experiences from within our community are covered and enhanced by practical experiences and events. Every child is recognised as a unique individual. The idea of personal responsibilty in learning and the ability to evaluate your own performance honestly and fairly is central to our curriculum. To do this we use teach Growth Mindset lessons, utilise success criteria linked to peer and self assesment and celebrate all the achievements the children make on the learning journey they go on during their time at our school.
We aim for all the children leave the school feeling that they belong to an educational family that has provided them with the confidence, skills and knowledge to succeed and knowing that we are their to support them even after they leave us.