At Aughton St Michael’s we understand that for in order for all children to achieve their best they need a secure foundation in Personal, Social and Emotional development. Only then can children ‘use their talents,’ to the best of their ability. At Aughton St Michael’s we ensure we put PSED at the heart of our curriculum, in line with our Christian values kindness, honesty, resilience, independence, koinonia, communication and enquiry. Our motto ‘Encourage, Guide and Celebrate,’ ensures all children understand the best way to achieve their potential.
At Aughton St Michael’s we strive to ensure all children have access to the medium that allows them to access and engage with the curriculum in a way that best utilises their individuality and has personal meaning for them. We understand that not all learning can be captured in the same way and we foster resilience and ownership of the curriculum to every child.
We understand that the world is changing rapidly for our young people and in order for every child to achieve to the best of their ability we equip each and every one of them with the skills needed to participate in the modern world. We aim to develop the children’s cultural capital and equip them with the skills to express themselves and be respectful of others.
Such activities promote the development of skills in areas such as talking and working with others, and contribute greatly to children and young people’s mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing.