Year 4 2024 - 2025
Mrs Zaim
Deputy Headteacher
Mr Quirk
Year Four
Welcome to Year Four.
We are so excited to start the school year and are looking forward to seeing the children on Wednesday 4th September. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings and Thursday and Friday Mrs Zaim will be in class. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons Mr Quirk will be in class. We also have support across the week from Mrs McKenna, Mrs Whitby, Mrs Judge and Mrs Lowe.
Key Information:
P.E days Monday and Friday
(P.E Kits must be in school on a Monday and sent home on a Friday).
Will be set weekly and is expected to be completed by the following Monday.
Spelling: A set of spellings which follow the Year 3/4 curriculum each week. Click here Spellings will be tested in class the following Monday.
TTRS: 20 minutes across the week.Click here
Reading: Read the next section of your book. (Please see book card for pages/chapters).
MTC Check:
The multiplication tables check (MTC) is statutory for all year 4 pupils and will take place in June 2025. The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.
For a more detailed overview of our curriculum, please head over the our Curriculum Subject Pages.
Useful links:
Daily 10 is a primary maths resource which covers many areas of mathematics.
Please use the Y3 and Y4 objectives within each area.
The following links will support your child's learning of the key writing skills in Year 4.
Determiners Determiners Plazoom
Expanded noun phrases Expanded Noun Phrases BBC Biteseize
Possessive Apostrophes Possessive Apostrophes
Conjunctions Conjunctions BBC Bitesize
Speech Marks Inverted Commas BBC Bitesize
Fronted adverbials Fronted Adverbials Oak National Academy
If you do wish to speak to us please contact the school office to arrange a meeting.
Many thanks, Year Four Team.
Year 4: Calendar items
Easter Service St Michael's Church, by Mrs Rimmer
School Closes at 2pm, by Mrs Rimmer
Easter Holiday, by Mrs Rimmer